Attic Stairs

Thermo Attic Stairs

Our Thermo Attic Stairs is our standard model of attic stairs, and ideal for general domestic purposes.

It is a traditional 3 part retractable folding attic ladder constructed from red deal pine.

The Thermo Attic Stairs includes a trapdoor that is 26mm’s thick which is fully insulated and draft-proofed for minimal levels of heat loss.

The trapdoor is constructed by means of a red deal structural frame with a polystyrene insulated core.  The perimeter of the trapdoor is rebated with a rubber seal to improve airtightness.

A metal D-Handle is attached to the top third of the door to give the user support on entry to the attic.

Rubber feet are fitted to the end of the ladder to protect your floor or carpet from tears, indentations, or scratches.

The hatch is spring-loaded meaning that it will support its own weight and allow for gentle opening and closing.

The timber used in the construction of the attic stairs is sourced from renewable forests which is helpful to the environment.

It is truly an original product indeed.

Priced at €149.00 Including VAT

Also available fully installed/fitted via our expert fitting team

Available Sizes: 1200mm x 550mm / 1200mm x 600mm / 1200mm x 700mm

Max Floor to Ceiling Height: 2800mm

U-Value: 1.22w (m2k)