Murphy Larkin Timber Products

We won the Social Media & Digital Marketing Excellence award for 2018!

On March 8th 2019 We proudly won the Social Media and Digital Marketing excellence award. A huge thanks to all our team at Murphy Larkin for making this excetional award happen.

Murphy Larkin
08/03/2019. Pictured at the Waterford Business Awards. Social Media & Digital Excellence: Dr Pat Lunch, RIKON/WIT, presents Ger Murphy, Murphy Larkin Timber Products with the Social Media & Digital Excellence Award. Also included are Kathryn Kiely, Waterford Chamber President and Teresanne O’Reilly, WLR. Photo: Patrick Browne
Murphy Larkin Team
08/03/2019. Pictured at the Waterford Business Awards. Pictured are Murphy Larkin Timber Products with the Social Media & Digital Excellence Award. Photo: Patrick Browne
Micheal & Ger
08/03/2019. Pictured at the Waterford Business Awards. Picture: Patrick Browne