Murphy Larkin Doors

A Pocket Door is a Neat, Stylish, Sliding Door Solution

Murphy Larkin Pocket Doors

doors-cat-bannerPocket doors will not only provide a superb space saving door opening but will add an architectural detail to your interiors. You can use Pocket Doors in both traditional and contemporary interiors. Double or French pocket doors have been used in grand homes for hundreds of years to give an elegant transition between room; classic colonial styles were a favourite. A pocket door is an ideal solution for kitchens and bathrooms when floor space simply isn’t there to accommodate a full swinging door, particularly for en-suite bathrooms.
Pocket door

So, what is a pocket door? A pocket door has a top sliding mechanism, which runs within the cavity between two faces of a wall. This is generally an internal wall but can be created on exterior walls (usually in warmer climates and where security is not an issue). Ideally you need to plan for installation of a Pocket Door, as the cavity in the wall needs to be constructed prior to installation. So if creating a new build or renovating your home it is worth consideration at the design planning stage. Having said that internal walls can be easily adapted by constructing a second skin leaving a cavity for the door.

The Pocket Door system is not only useful when there is limited floor area they can provide easier opening for disabled access. In addition Pocket Doors give a streamlined appearance when furniture or fitments need to be near the door opening.
Pocket doors also give the opportunity to use interesting hardware, which is often the adornment of the door and of the home. Resist using a basic pull handle
, as there are some very stylish options available that will enhance the look of this special door!


pocket Doors
pocket Doorse are some very stylish options available that will enhance the look of this special door!
Pocket Doors
Pocket Doors


Double sliding doors
Double sliding doors